The Claremont Chorale invites singers of varying levels of experience over the age of 18 years to audition for membership.
Steps to join the Chorale
(not necessarily in this order):
1. Attend at least one of the first three rehearsals for the current concert
2. Complete a Membership Application form (paper or online by clicking the button below, when available - check back in March 2025!)
3. Meet with the Artistic Director and accompanist for a vocal audition and interview (generally immediately following your first rehearsal).
Auditions help the Artistic Director in voice placement and in maintaining the general vocal quality of the group. At your audition, you may be tested in sight reading music, vocal range, vocal health and tone. No need to prepare a song.
4. Pay your Membership Pledge - Members are asked to contribute $375 for the season (can be payed in installements).
Membership dues are important for our financial stability and provide singers with a professional choral environment and quality musical instruction and leadership. We do not turn prospective members away for lack of ability to pay.
Rehearsal are Mondays, 7:30pm to 9:45pm from September through May
We generally have one Saturday morning workshop rehearsal per concert, plus Friday night dress rehearsals before Saturday concerts. A full year schedule is distributed in the summer or at the start of the season, with three or four concerts presented each season. Performances are an important part of the Chorale, and we expect that singers will commit to attending rehearsals regularly and performing in all scheduled concerts (or that they will let us know if they are unable to commit to a particular concert).
Our rehearsal location is:
Huff Recital Hall, Claremont Community School of Music (CCSM)
951 W. Foothill Blvd. (behind Baskin Robbins)
Claremont, CA
For more information, or to schedule an audition, please contact Alan Wellman (